Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Neither You Nor Me...!!!

Neither too raw nor too ripe,
The bitter fruit of a type.

Neither too fresh nor too seasoned,
Log of wood stranded.

Neither too fresh nor too stale,
Food of feast in a sale.

Neither too mighty nor to miser,
Claws of cat which can tear.

Neither too far neither too close,
People are as fragrance of rose...!!!

Monday, June 9, 2014

Just You & Me... <3

Standing tall against odds,
Worship you more than the lords...

You saw the crazy me in you,
I aways found a baby, I aways knew...

You rejoice when I grew,
I found you, surprisingly new...

You crave for word of joy,
I fell, I found the right toy...

You feel I aways stay with you,
I just say, I LOVE YOU..!!!